Miami Valley Folk Dancers Logo
Dayton, Ohio

About MVFD -
The "Pink" Sheet

The Miami Valley Folk Dancers is a group of Miami Valley residents interested in international folk dancing. Members, whose ages range from the teens to the eighties, meet regularly for dancing in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere. Guests are always welcome. Activities of the group include:

Thursday Evening Programs

7:00 - 8:00 pm

Orientation Class for all members, but especially for newcomers. There is no formal curriculum as the teaching is tailored to the needs and desires of those participating.

9:00 - 9:30 pm

Teaching with instruction conducted by members.

8:00 - 9:00 pm
9:30 pm - close

Programmed and Request Dancing with a different member in charge each week.

Second Sunday ProgramsSecond Sundays may be held on an irregular basis.  Please see More scheduled events for info on any specific Second Sunday.

2:30 - 6:00 pm

These may be held on the second Sunday afternoon of any month.  The activities may include teaching, request dancing, and dinner. Free, except for special events.


Weekend, evening, and one-day workshops, are each led by a recognized teacher of folk dancing. Many out-of-towners attend these programs which, in addition to teaching, often include request dancing and dinner.


Anyone interested in folk dancing is eligible for membership.  Dues for members are $60.00 per calendar year. Fees for non-members are $5.00 per session, but your first visit is free. There is no charge for spectators.


The Thursday Evening and Second Sunday programs are held at:

Michael Solomon Pavilion, Community Golf Course
2917 Berkley Street, Dayton, Ohio 45409

The Pavilion is the red building located in the middle of the parking lot for the Community Golf Course, which is located just north of West Dorothy Lane in Kettering.

MVFD Pages: [Home] [General Schedule] [Info Sheet] [Calendar]
Other pages: [Hyll Home Page] [Dayton Dance Groups] [Directions to MSP]

MVFD is a Member of: Miami Valley Dance Council


Copyright © Miami Valley Folk Dancers 1996 - 2025
Page last updated 01/25/2025. This page maintained by Leslie Hyll.