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MVFD Syllabus Collection
Can I use the Collection with a version of Adobe Reader newer than 5.0?
Added 10/18/05
Yes, You may use Adobe Reader 6 or 7 or any later version to access the Collection. Assuming that you already have Adobe Reader on your PC, put the CD into your CD drive and let it go through its autostart sequence.
Then close Adobe Reader 5. Startup your version of Adobe Reader, in the File drop down menu, select Open, go to the CD directory, Select Introduction.pdf and click Open.
You will need to reference Adobe's Help info to determine how to use the Search feature, as its startup sequence differs from Version 5.
I can't make Search work in Adobe Reader 7.
Added 10/18/05
Adobe Reader 5 and Adobe Reader 7 differ in how a Search is started. The MVFD Syllabus Collection provides you the key sequence to initiate Search in Adobe Reader 5.
This key sequence does not work in Adobe Reader 7. Please refer to Adobe Reader 7 Help for how to initiate a Search in Version 7.
Why do some syllabi have text that looks very light on the screen?
Added 10/18/05
This problem is being created when the syllabus is converted to PDF. We have not determined why this is happening to a few syllabi. Printouts of these syllabi are fine. Syllabi that have this problem include: 54farwel, 54vyts, 56crum, 58crum, 63intl, 65polish.
Zooming in on the page (greater than 100%) usually makes the page much easier to read on the screen.
Why can’t I search across syllabi?
Added 10/18/05
The “index” is probably not attached. To attach the index, select Edit > Search > Select Indexes > Add. Now on the MVFD Syllabus Collection disk, select the subdirectory “syllabi”, then select the “index.pdx” file. Click on Open. Click on OK. The index should now be attached and you should be able to search across syllabi.
How can I convert PDF to a Word document or plain text?
Added 10/18/05
The answer is that you can’t. The purpose of presenting the syllabi in PDF is to provide you with a viewable, searchable, and printable copy of each syllabus for your personal use. There is no intent that you should be able to convert the files into an editable format, such as Word.
How can I copy text from a PDF file to my word processor?
Added 10/18/05
The answer is that you can’t. The files have been encrypted such that you cannot electronically copy the text.
Can I use the CD on a MAC?
Added 10/18/05; Updated 7/14/06
This CD was created for use on a PC. Very limited testing has been done with a MAC.
MAC limitations appear to be that the CD does not autostart,
and there may be an issue with the search capability (really having to do with the index file).
But assuming you have Acrobat Reader 5 or later on your MAC, you should have no trouble opening the files, and the cross document links should work.
This means that you have full use of the alphabetic Master List of Dances to locate the dance you want to see.
Sorry we have not conducted more research as yet regarding using the CD on a MAC.
Syllabi indices (Syllabi_by_Year.pdf, Syllabi_by_Emphasis.pdf, Syllabi_by_Instructor.pdf):
1956 Dick Crum Syllabus (56crum.pdf, i56crum.pdf)
Also, the dance "SCOTES" should be "SROTES". This was a typo in the original syllabus that has been propagated to the new syllabus.
1966 Jane Farwell syllabus (66farwel.pdf, i66farwel.pdf)
1971 Vyts Beliajus syllabus (71vyts.pdf)
Image files for 1971 Beliajus Vyts and 1979 Sibyl Clark workshops (i71vyts.pdf, i79clark.pdf)
1975 M.G. Karsner syllabus (75kars.pdf, i75kars.pdf)
MVFD Pages:
[General Schedule]
[Info Sheet]
[Calendar] Copyright © Miami Valley Folk Dancers 2005-2006
"Hilferink, Nicolass" should be "Hilferink, Nicolaas "
"DASHING WHITE SERGEANT" from the 1954 Farwell syllabus should be listed as Scottish, not Danish.
"GROSSE RONDE" is listed under R when it should be listed under G.
"GUADALQUIVIR" is listed under Q when it should be listed under G.
"LILI LILI" should read "LILE LILE".
"LOUISIANA SATURDAY NIGHT" is missing from the Master List. It is an American dance, and is available in the 1981 Bea Montross syllabus, 81intl.pdf and i81intl.pdf.
"NABRALA" is missing from the Master List. It is a Croatian dance, and is available only in the image file for the 2004 Zeljko Jergan Croatian Workshop, i04croat.pdf.
"NORTO MIEGO" should read "NORIU MIEGO".
"PARTIOT'S JIG" should read "PATRIOT'S JIG".
"SCHULNZ" should read "SCHLUNZ".
"SCOTES" should read "SROTES".
"SNURRBOCKEN" is listed as Swiss from the 1966 Jane Farwell syllabus when it should be listed as Swedish.
"In looking at Pepper Dance, I saw a problem with the meter and called Dick Crum
since he is still alive and kicking, to understand what was going on. To be
In the written description, it says "Measure 1, count 1, count 2; Measure 2,
count 1, count 2; Measure 3, count 1, count 2" - in other words, 2 counts per
measure. In the sheet music the time signature is clearly given as 3/4. Then
when you count the eighth and sixteenth notes in the music, you find nothing
adds up.
So, here's the count, according to Dick:
Time signature in sheet music should be 2/4, not 3/4.
First measure is 1/8 note, 1/8 note, dotted 1/8 tied to 1/16 note.
Second measure is 1/8 note, 1/8 note, two tied 1/16th notes, 1/8 note.
Third measure (both first and second endings) is all 4 1/8 notes."
Happy dancing, Sally Jenkins, Bartlesville, OK
The dance titled "SCHULNZ" OR "SCHUINZ" in the Index and "SCHULNZ" on the instruction page, should be spelled "SCHLUNZ".
The dance titled "NORTO MIEGO" should be "NORIU MIEGO". See the corresponding image file or the 1953 Vyts Beliajus syllabus for the dance with the correct spelling.
These files open with a warning in Acrobat 5. However, this is not a problem, just click ok and continue using the file.
No warning is issued if they are opened in Acrobat 6 or later.
The dance titled "NORTEN LARSEN" should be "MORTEN LARSEN". See the 1968 Karsner syllabus for the same dance under the name "MORTEN LARSEN".
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Page last updated 06/28/06. This page maintained by
Leslie Hyll.