Miami Valley Folk Dancers Logo
Dayton, Ohio

Guidelines for Scheduling Ethnic Sundays

Guidelines for Scheduling Ethnic Sundays
(2nd Sunday of each month, unless otherwise cancelled or replaced by another event)

  1. Balance Sundays for
  2. Pay attention to special events that may impinge upon an Ethnic Sunday.

  3. Review the Ethnic Sundays of the previous years.

  4. Schedule Sundays for the whole year or only a few months at a time. If you schedule for the whole year, be aware that you will probably have to make changes as the year goes along. Suggest scheduling March - August first and later schedule September - February.

  5. Each committee member should take charge of 2 or 3 Ethnic Sundays and the following month. This is absolutely necessary, even when the Sunday is not a traditional Ethnic Sunday.

  6. Once the themes for each Sunday have been chosen, notify the following people

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Copyright © Miami Valley Folk Dancers 2000
Page last updated 12/11/00. This page maintained by Leslie Hyll.