![]() Dayton, Ohio |
Email List Server |
Once you are subscribed, you may send messages to mvfolkdancers@yahoogroups.com and those messages will be sent to everyone else subscribed to the group.
But, to take advantage of this, you must first subscribe to the group.
Leslie will send you an invite via email to join the list. It will come from yahoogroups.com.
Please update your spam filters to accept messages from this site.
You will need to follow the instructions in the message to complete your subscription.
A Yahoo ID is NOT required to subscribe via this method.
You can also register with the Yahoo Groups web site
(groups.yahoo.com) and have access to related features.
All of the messages sent on the list are archived. You can look at old messages on-line.
You can put events on a calendar and when the time comes, a reminder about the event will automatically
be sent to the group.
Enter your email address and click on the box below.
If you do not already have a Yahoo id, you will have to join Yahoo first. Follow the instructions on the Yahoo site.
Length of time to join Yahoo will depend on your specific circomstances.
Once you've joined Yahoo, your subscription request will be forwarded to the list moderator.
Please be sure that you've included your real name with the subscription request.
Subscription requests that do not include your name WILL NOT BE APPROVED.
Most subscription requests will be approved within 24 hours unless Leslie is out of town and not checking email.
For more information about on-line email list features, go to
After you've registered, you can go
directly to MVFD's group at
Blocking of messages from Yahoo sometimes occurs by your internet or email provider.
We have no control over this.
WPAFB blocks all email traffic from Yahoo. Please do not try to subscribe with a WPAFB email address, as you will never receive messages.
Your company or school may block email traffic from Yahoo.
If you are concerned that you are not receiving messages from the email list,
1. Please check your spam filter to make sure that you are allowing these messages through
2. Once you've verified that your spam filter is set to allow messages through, ask Leslie to check if messages to you are bouncing back. She will check the admin records for any issues reported with your email address.
Please note that there is typically ONE message per week on the list.
See you on line!
MVFD Pages:
[General Schedule]
[Info Sheet]
Other pages:
[Hyll Home Page]
[Dayton Dance Groups]
[Directions to MSP]
© Miami Valley Folk Dancers 1996-2012
Page last updated 12/10/2012. This page maintained by Leslie Hyll.