Miami Valley Folk Dancers Logo
Dayton, Ohio

2000 MVFD Halloween Party

2000 MVFD Halloween Party
Photo Album

Bette Kelley, Carol Culbertson, and Lorraine Fortner are really into the "spirit" of the event. (Mouse, Cave woman, Captain Generic) Jeannine Yeager mugs for the camera. In the back is Jeannine's mother, Adele Nellis, who came as Mrs. Devil.

Yes, we actually dance at these parties. Just what is this dance, anyway?
(Lee Moser, Joanne Dombrowski - the MVFD cheerleader, Louise Van Vliet - always an angel, unidentified)

More scary people dancing. (Mike Clark, Carolyn Stovall - that's a flower with a bee, unknown ghost, Lina Considine - western gal)

Horton the Elephant is carrying his egg. To the right, if you look really close, you'll see a well-behaved dog.

And finally, the Captains Generic, defenders of the land of Generia, with the flag of their country, and the anthem of their land - Laaaaaaaa . . .


Copyright © Miami Valley Folk Dancers 1996 - 2003
Page last updated 9/28/03.